Thanks to my friend Sharp for the banner you see at the top of my page. He made this for my previous web site about seven years ago. I started a weather web site in March 1998.
Also thank you for reading my blog. One of the best parts of doing this is knowing that there are people out there who read. I have gotten to know some of you and I appreciate your viewing my page and especially your comments!
God bless,
A Few Sprinkles Tonight/Early Tomorrow - ON THE MAPS: An upper trough over the Southern Plains will bring clouds into Alabama today, and potential for a few sprinkles of rain tonight and early tom...
1 hour ago
It's a pleasure, Mike, and I have very much enjoyed getting to know you.
Been on the go lately, but I try to check into everyones blog at least once a day. If you need GR coverage you know you can call Bro!
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